Start where you are.     Use what you have.      Do what you can.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Guest Lecture on IoT

Dt. 07-Dec-2018

Guest Lecture on Internet Of Things(IoT)- technology by
Mr.Aditya Gottapu,
Project Manager,
e-Best IOT, 

Mr.Aditya shared his valuable knowledge on IoT technology with our students. His journey as a an Entrepreneur in the field of IoT has been an encouraging and inspiring one to our students.
Students are given an insight into IoT technology and its impact and implications in society.

 -   Analytical Science Association(ASA)

Monday, December 3, 2018

World Computer Literacy Day-Dec 2

World Computer Literacy Day - Dec 2

Dt. 03/04- Dec-2018

Cybernauts Club has conducted "Poster making " competition for all the computer science students.
The topics Given are
  1. Cloud Computing
  2. Social Networking
  3. Networking Components
  4. User Authentication
  5. Computer Block diagram

Around thirty teams participated in the event enthusiastically.

Dt. 01-Dec-2018
Analytical Sciences Association [ASA]  also has conducted Quiz on the occasion of World Computer Literacy day.