Start where you are.     Use what you have.      Do what you can.


2021-22 Assignments(Even Sem)  
Data Structures

  1. Definition: Data type, Data Structure, ADT
  2. Differentiate between : Linear and Non Linear Data Structure
  3. Write the operations and algorithm for Stack ,Queue, tree and graph data structure.
  4. Write the steps to convert infix to postfix with an example.
  5. write the algorithms for linear search, binary search, insertion sort ,bubble sort and merge sort and explain with an example.
2021-22 Assignments(Even Sem)  

  1. With a neat sketch explain the architecture of a data warehouse?
  2. Explain in detail about the data mining functionalities.
  3. Explore DWH
  4.  Explain OLAP and devise efficient & cost effective methods for maintaining DWHs.
  5. List out the differences between OLTP and OLAP
  6. Decision Tree Algorithm with Example
  7. Apriori Algorithm with Example
  8. K-Means Algorithm with Example
  9. Different types of Outliers
  10. Definitions: Frequents patterns, cluster, outlier, Classification
2020-21 Assignments(Even Sem)  

  1. With a neat sketch explain the architecture of a data warehouse?
  2. Explain in detail about the data mining functionalities.
  3. Explore DWH
  4.  Explain OLAP and devise efficient & cost effective methods for maintaining DWHs.
  5. List out the differences between OLTP and OLAP

Submission date: 12 - Feb - 2020

2020-21 Assignments(Odd Sem)  

"Design and Develop sample webpage "- Assignment
III Bsc V Sem [ M.P.Cs,M.E.Cs,M.St.Cs] , III B.Com V Sem .

Submission date: 10- Sep - 2020

2019-20 Assignments(Even Sem)  

" OOPs with Java "- Assignment
I Bsc II Sem [ M.St.Cs]

Submission date: 13/15 - Feb - 2020

1.Define an Expression.How do you evaluate an Expression in java
2.What do you mean by typecasting
3.Define an Interface.Explain the implementation of interfaces.
4.Differentiate String and Stringbuffer classes.
5. Write Syntax for the Declaration & Instantiation of
    a.Class  b.Variable  c.Constant   d.1D-Array  e. 2D-array  f.Vector

I Bsc II Sem [ M.Eco.Cs]
1. Define an Interface and explain the implementation of interfaces in java.         

    [Demonstrate in lab]

II Bsc IV Sem [ MPCs,M.Eco.Cs,M.Stat,Cs]

1.Explain CPU Scheduling algorithms[FCFS,SJF,RR,Priority] with examples.
2.Explain Synchronization hardware.
3.Discuss Critical Section problem.
4.What do you mean by Mutex Locks and Semaphores.
5.Explain multilevel Queue and multilevel Feedback Scheduling Algorithms.

" Cloud Computing "- Assignment
III Bsc VI Sem [ M.St.Cs]

Submission date: 5/6 - Feb - 2020

1.Differentiate between Traditional IT model and SPI.
2.Discuss the pros and cons of Public,Private,Hybrid and Community clouds.
3.How Security is provided in Cloud environment.
4.Explain various Cloud Scenarios.
5.Write about the following characteristics of cloud.
  a.Location Independence     b.  Broad Access Network    c.Measured Services

" DWDM "- Assignment

III Bsc VI Sem [ M.St.Cs]

Explain Clustering and Classification algorithms.

2019-20 Assignments(Odd Sem)  

" C "- Assignment
I Bsc I Sem [ M.St.Cs]

Submission date: 25-Jul-2019
  1. Unit I
1) What are the key features of C language or what are the characteristics of C language?

2) Explain the Structure of a C Program?

3) Write down the steps to execute a C program?

4) What is datatype in C? explain the classification of datatypes in C?

5) What are the rules for Identifiers?

6) Differentiate variables and constants in C?

7) Describe the order of precedence with respect to operarors in C.

8) What is the syntax of ternary operator in C?

9) What is the difference between pre-increment and post increment operators in C?

10) What value will be assigned to the variable X
        if a = 10, b = 20, c = 30, d = 40
        for the expression X = a/b+c*d-c?

Unit II

Write C programs demonstrating all function categories.

DBMS Assignment
III Bsc V Sem
Submission date: 16-Jul-2019
  1. Chapter I

    1.      Discuss each of the following terms:
    a)      data          
    b)      field
    c)      record
    d)     file
    e)      database
    f)       DBMS
    g)      metadata
    2.      Explain data redundancy.
    3.      What is structural independence, and why is it important?
    4.      What is data independence, and why is it important?
    5.      What is the role of a DBMS, and what are its advantages? What are its disadvantages?
    6.      List and describe the different types of databases.
    7.      What are the main components of a database system?
    8.      Explain why database design is important.
    9.      Compare and contrast file system and DBMS
    10.  Explain DBMS architecture with a neat diagram.
    11.  Given the file structure, answer Problems 1−4.

    a)      How many records does the file contain? How many fields are there per record?
    b)      What problem would you encounter if you wanted to produce a listing by city? How would you solve this problem by altering the file structure?
    c)      If you wanted to produce a listing of the file contents by last name, area code, city, state, or zip code, how would you alter the file structure?
    d)     What data redundancies do you detect? 

      Chapter - II

    1.      Discuss the importance of data modelling and the basic building blocks of data modeling.
    2.      What is a business rule, and what is its purpose in data modeling?
    3.      Explain different types of data models(explaination,advantages,disadvantages)
    4.      How do you translate business rules into data model components?
    5.      What is a relationship, and what three types of relationships exist?
    6.      What is a table, and what role does it play in the relational model?
    7.      What is logical independence?
    8.      What is physical independence?
    9.      Explain about different levels of abstraction?

2018-19 Assignments(Even Sem)

Cloud computing Assignment
III Bsc VI Sem (CS-Cluster) (21-feb-2019)

  1. What are the characteristics of cloud computing?explain.
  2. List out the advantages and disadvantages of Public/Private/Hybrid clouds and give examples?
  3. Differentiate SPI framework and traditional IT model?
  4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Virtualization?
  5. Define the following terms. a) Cloud  b) Cloud computing  c) Virtualization

Operating system Assignment on Scheduling Algorithms(07-jan-2019)

I.       Assume you have the following jobs to execute with one processor, with the jobs arriving in the order listed here:
Process       Burst time
0                 80
1                 20
2                 10
3                 20
4                 50
a.  Suppose a system uses FCFS scheduling .Create a Gantt chart illustrating the execution of these processes?

The Gantt chart is as follows:

a.  What is the turnaround time for process p3?

The turnaround time for process p3 is

b.  What is the average wait time for the processes?

Average waiting time calculation:

II. Assume you have the following jobs to execute with one processor, with the jobs arriving in the order listed here:

Process       Arrival Time       Burst time
0                 0                           80
1                 10                         20
2                 10                         10
3                 80                         20
4                 85                         50

a.       Suppose a system uses RR scheduling with a quantum of 15.
Create a Gantt chart illustrating the execution of these processes?

b.       What is the turnaround time for process p3?

The turnaround time for process P3 is

c.       What is the average wait time for the processes?

Average waiting time:

III. Calculate the average waiting time in 1). Preemptive SJF and 2). Non Preemptive SJF Note: SJF Default: (Non Preemptive)
Process       Arrival Time       Burst Time
P1               0                           8
P2               1                           4
P3               2                           9
P4               3                           5

a. Preemptive SJF (Shortest Remaining Time First):

b. Avg waiting time:

c.              Non-preemptive SJF:

d.              Average waiting time:


Software Engineering Assignment
III Bsc VI Sem (mpcs/mecs/mstcs) 

Submission Date: 10-Jan-2019

  1. Differentiate between Verification and Validation.
  2. Explain the purpose and activities of system testing 
  3. What are the Objectives and Principles of Testing in a conventional software engineering.
  4. Compare Black box Testing and White Box Testing with an example.
  5. Explain the considerations and procedures on Unit testing.
  6. Brief the activites and benefits of Smoke testing.

Operating system Assignment
II Bsc IV Sem (mpcs/mecs/mstcs) 
Submission Date:10-Dec-2018

  1. What is an operating system? What are the functions of the operating system? 
  2. Describe the user’s view and systems view of the operating system. 
  3. Name two devices that are used as input devices only. Name two devices that are used as output devices only. Name at least one device that can be used as an input as well as output device. 
  4. Explain the difference between multi-programming and time sharing. 
  5. When do we say a system is "multi-programming"? When do we say it is an "online" system? 
  6. Explain various services provides by operating system 
  7. Differentiate between multi programming and time sharing operating systems. 
  8. What are operations of operating system? 
  9. Explain different types of operating system. 

Java Assignment
I Bsc II Sem (mecs/mstcs) 
Submission Date:10-Dec-2018
  1. What is Object Oriented Programming? How it is different from Procedural concepts?
  2. What is the significance of Java’s byte code?
  3. Explain the important features of Java.
  4. What is the role and responsibility of JVM?
  5. Explain benefits of oops?
  6. What are the principles and applications of java? Discuss.
  7. Give a note on type casting in java
  8. Describe the typical java program structure.
  9. What are the different data types in JAVA? Explain each of them with example.
  10. What do you mean by Variable? What are the rules for variable declaration?
  11. Explain various Operators in Java with example.
  12. Explain conditional operator.
  13. Explain about symbolic constants and command line arguments in java.
  14. Explain about Java Environment.


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